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What REALEE really stands for?

Realee’s mission is to empower ordinary people to invest in one of the best asset classes known to man – PROPERTIES. 

Not Grant Cardone, but everyday individuals who, without the support of a large team, have still managed to acquire 3, 10, or even 50 doors through sheer hard work and entrepreneurial spirit. But are now hesitating to pursue the next deal even if the numbers look promising because of the additional overhead it would bring.

Realee is built by Real Estate, Technology and Investment Banking professionals who came together to fill this very specific gap in the market. 

We leverage best-in-class technology and AI driven automation to optimize rental property investing by,

  1. Maximizing an asset’s potential

  2. Making rental portfolio management easier and more passive

Townhouse Exteriors

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Realee is in beta now, being rolled out to only a limited number of landlords in New York, Montreal and Toronto.

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